The Clash of Cultures: West v East

The Clash of Cultures: West v East

Postby Guest » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:06 am

I'm not a big fan of this clash of cultures theory as its pretty clear that inviting millions of 3rd worlders to the west will create such a clash, but I'm more concerned of how those who encourage mass immigration will use it to for their own agenda. The zionist anti-Christian - pro Talmud faction are the main promoters of this culture clash in order to promote their endless wars of imperialism in the middle east for the benefit of global capitalism and Israel.

The one clash of cultures which they play down yet count on is the effect of mass immigration from the Islamic world to the west. They try to convince us that all the bad Islamic apples are in the east and all the good Islamic apples are migrating west wards. But that is a load of crap - all Islamists are partof the same movement - the aim to make Islam the world's dominant religion. Personally i have nothing against this, as I understand were thy're coming from, I would like Nationalism to be the World's dominant political theory. But these 'liberal' leftwing idiots refuse to recgonise that this calsh of cultures has a historical bearing that they refuse to understand - the crusades.

One of the major problems facing the west is that we have forgotten our history and as a result are leaving ourselves open to attacks from those who haven't. Europe has a long history of repelling invasions from the 3rd world, particularly the Muslim east, our ancestors realised that our society could not be mixed with theirs without bloodshed and a battle for supremacy.

Currently we are ruled by a bunch of traitors(who couldn't care) and ideologues who refuse to understand the differences between west and east and who believe everything can be sorted out if we show some tolerance(and that is a one way street we have to tolerate the practices of the invaders) The ideologues have abandoned religion so in their minds religious wars are a thing of the past and have no place in the enlightened 21st century, but they refuse to acknowledge the millions of Muslims who are pouring into our homeland hold the exact opposite opinion. Muslims view the Afghan/Iraq wars as a continuation of the medieval crusades, a battle between Christianity and Islam and when many move to the west they do so to take this battle to new frontiers, into the heartland of the Christian west - which in Islam is called the house of the infidel - Dar al -harb - house of war - that is all muslims are required to wage war against those who refuse to submit to Islam and live in non-Muslim nations. They are aided by both these groups, the traitors and the ideologues, who seek the destruction of the west for different reasons, and the 3rd worlders are their weapon of destruction.

If we do not overthrow our corrupt government our children will be victims of the policies of these groups, just like my generation was the victim of those who didn't fight against the original immigrant invasion of the early and mid 20th century. Time is running out, whites will be minorities in many of England's main cities within the next 10-20 years and when that happens you just have to look to South Africa and Rhodesia to see what the consequences will be. Stop moaning and take it to the streets, where all revolutions start, the political system is corrupt so it needs to be bypassed.

At the minute the clash of cultures is being used by the capitalist and socilist system loyalists to promote their wars of imperialism in teh middle east - to bring 'liberal democracy' to those nations under the threat of humanitarian bombsif they resist, but the real clash of cultires is going on ino our streets, where militant foreign ideologies are being promoted by the same treacherous establishment which claims to be fighting them in far off countries to prevent them reaching our streets.

As I said I am no Neo -con warmonger like Blair, clinton or Cameron or their new peaceful goyim obama, The threat is not in the middle east it is in the west where war obsessed regimes rule which also allow in foreign undesirables to promote their wars. Only when these system loyalists(anti_racists) are destroyed and their enablers the establishment are hung can we get round to fix the problem of fighting extremism.
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